image of Douglas Preston

Douglas Preston

... Unknown

Cemetery Dance is a thriller novel by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child released on May 12, 2009 by Grand Central Publishing. This is the ninth installment in the Special Agent Pendergast series. During production, it was known by the pre-release title Revenant. The preceding novel is The Wheel of Darkness.

... Unknown

Nora Kelly, a young archaeologist in Santa Fe, receives a letter written sixteen years ago, yet mysteriously mailed only recently. In it her father, long believed dead, hints at a fantastic discovery that will make him famous and rich---the lost city of an ancient civilization that suddenly vanished a thousand years …

... Unknown

Medicine Creek, un coin paisible du Kansas. Aussi, quand le shérif Hazen découvre le cadavre dépecé d'une inconnue au milieu d'un champ de maïs, il se demande s'il ne rêve pas : le corps est entouré de flèches indiennes sur lesquelles ont été empalés des corbeaux. OEuvre d'un fou ? Rituel satanique ? Il faut le flair …

... Unknown

Le Violon du diable est un roman policier américain de Douglas Preston et Lincoln Child paru en 2004. La traduction française par Sébastian Danchin est publiée en 2006 aux éditions L'Archipel.

... Unknown

Le Piège de l'architecte est un roman d'aventures de Douglas Preston et Lincoln Child, paru aux États-Unis en 1998.

... Unknown

The Cabinet of Curiosities is a thriller novel by American writers Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child, released on June 3, 2002 by Grand Central Publishing. This is the third installment in the Special Agent Pendergast series.