From Ragtime and Billy Bathgate to World’s Fair, The March, and Homer & Langley, the fiction of E. L. Doctorow comprises a towering achievement in modern American letters. Now Doctorow returns with an enthralling collection of brilliant, startling short fiction about people who, as the author notes in his Preface, …

"Billy Bathgate" on Ameerika kirjaniku Edgar Lawrence Doctorow' romaan poisist, kellest sai 15-aastaselt maffia jooksupoiss. Romaani alusel valmis 1991. aastal režissöör Robert Bentoni käe alla samanimeline film, milles nimiosalist mängib Loren Dean.

The crowning achievement of E. L. Doctorow's distinguished literary career--an astonishing modern masterwork of faith, mystery, and the search for spiritual authenticity. With brilliant and audacious strokes, the author of Ragtime and Billy Bathgate creates a breathtaking collage of memories, events, visions, and …

Homer & Langley is a novel by American author E. L. Doctorow published in September, 2009. It imagines a version of the lives of the Collyer brothers of New York City, notorious for their eccentricities as well as their habit of compulsively hoarding a plethora of various bric-a-brac, newspapers, books and other …