If you have ever wondered what a civilized man of the twentieth century would do if catapulted into an Old Stone Age where huge cave bears, saber-toothed tigers, monstrous carnivorous dinosaurs, mammoths, and mastodons roamed the savage terrain, you need look no further than Land of Terror, the sixth installment of …

The Land That Time Forgot is a fantasy novel by American writer Edgar Rice Burroughs, the first of his Caspak trilogy. His working title for the story was "The Lost U-Boat." The sequence was first published in Blue Book Magazine as a three-part serial in the issues for September, October and November 1918. The …

Tarzan ja kadonnut seikkailu on Edgar Rice Burroughsin keskeneräisestä käsikirjoituksesta muokattu Tarzan-seikkailu. Sen täydensi amerikkalainen scifi- ja kauhukirjailija Joe R. Lansdale. Sen julkaisi Yhdysvalloissa Dark Horse Comics vuonna 1995 kolmena viihdelehtiä jäljittelevänä vihkona. Tarzan jäljittää viidakkoon …