《看得见风景的房间》是英国作家爱德华·摩根·福斯特于1908年发表的一部小说,描写一位生活在英格兰年轻女子露西。故事发生在意大利和英格兰两地,福斯特在作品中比较了意大利和英格兰的差异:意大利相对自由,允许自然的激情,与压抑虚伪的英格兰社会形成对照。在意大利旅行期间,露西的世界观发生了戏剧性的改变。这既是一部爱情小说,同时也是对20世纪初英国社会的批评。 …

A Passage to India is a novel by English author E. M. Forster set against the backdrop of the British Raj and the Indian independence movement in the 1920s. It was selected as one of the 100 great works of 20th century English literature by the Modern Library and won the 1924 James Tait Black Memorial Prize for …

《莫瑞斯》是一部写于1913年的英国小说,作者是爱德华·摩根·福斯特。这部小说一直到1971年才得以出版。这部小说描述了20世纪初,在英国发生的同性恋的爱情传记。这部小说是卓越的,因为它以一种浪漫而有趣的方式描述了一部同性恋的不朽之作,而这连作者自己都不相信。在他的手稿中,他曾质问道“出版,值得吗?”让莫瑞斯区别于其他同时代的同性恋小说的地方是故事情节和故事中三个主角,作为三个不同阶级、不同个性的男性的代表。 …

Where Angels Fear to Tread is a novel by E. M. Forster, originally entitled Monteriano. The title comes from a line in Alexander Pope's An Essay on Criticism: "For fools rush in where angels fear to tread". In 1991 it was made into a film by Charles Sturridge, starring Rupert Graves, Giovanni Guidelli, Helen Mirren, …

Aspects of the Novel is a book compiled from a series of lectures delivered by E. M. Forster at Trinity College, Cambridge in 1927, in which he discussed the English language novel. By using examples from classic texts, he highlights the seven universal aspects of the novel: story, characters, plot, fantasy, prophecy, …