The Castle of Adventure is a popular children's book by Enid Blyton. It is the second book in The Adventure Series. The first edition of the book was illustrated by Stuart Tresilian.
Solve the mystery with the Secret Seven - everyone's favourite detective club! These timeless stories are perfect for young fans of mystery, adventure or detective series. In book ten, the gang witness the horror of a house going up in flames. Then there's the theft of a very valuable violin. Are the two incidents …
Five Go to Billycock Hill is the sixteenth novel in the Famous Five series by Enid Blyton. It was first published in 1957.
Na potepu je ena izmed knjig v zbirki Pet prijateljev. Avtorica je Enid Blyton. Julian, Dick, Anne, George in Tim se med nepričakovanimi kratkimi jesenskimi počitnicami odpravijo na potep križemkražem po deželi. Kljub natančnemu načrtu Dick in Anne spotoma zaideta. Prenočita na čudni in neprijazni kmetiji, pri gluhi …
Cigančica Jo je ena izmed knjig iz serije Pet prijateljev avtorice Enid Blyton. Izvirnik je kot enajsti v seriji izšel leta 1952, slovenski prevod Marjane Samide z ilustracijami Betty Maxey pa leta 1990.