Twelve-year-old villain, Artemis Fowl, is the most ingenious criminal mastermind in history. His bold and daring plan is to hold a leprechaun to ransom. But he's taking on more than he bargained for when he kidnaps Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon (Lower Elements Police Reconnaissance Unit). For a start, leprechaun …

Och en grej till... är den sjätte delen i Douglas Adams "trilogi" Liftarens guide till galaxen, skriven av Eoin Colfer. Boken släpptes 12 oktober 2009, på 30-årsdagen för den första boken i serien. Till skillnad från tidigare titlar i serien är den inte ett citat från den första boken, utan från tredje kapitlet i …

Artemis Fowl is a young-adult fantasy novel written by Irish author Eoin Colfer. It is the first book in the Artemis Fowl series, followed by Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident. Described by its author as "Die Hard with fairies", it follows the adventures of Artemis Fowl, a twelve-year-old criminal mastermind, as he …

The Legend of Spud Murphy is part of a series called "Eoin Colfer's legend of ...", written by the Irish author Eoin Colfer, author of the best-selling series Artemis Fowl. The book was illustrated by Glenn McCoy. The series talks about two brothers: Will, who is nine years old and loves action man and Marty who is 10 …

Artemis Fowl: The Seventh Dwarf is a short story in the Artemis Fowl book series by Eoin Colfer. It was published for World Book Day in 2004 and cost £1 in Britain, €1 in Europe or exchangeable for one World Book Day token. It was also published as one of the short stories in The Artemis Fowl Files. In the series' …

Benny, a sports-obsessed, carefree kid, is convinced that he can take on the worlduntil he spends the summer living with his grandfather and meets resident tomboy and all-around tough-girl Babe Meara. Benny may be a wise guy, but Babe is at least three steps ahead of him. And now he's on her territory. A “townie” …