Starac i more je roman Ernesta Hemingwaya, američkog književnika 20. stoljeća. Roman je napisan na Kubi 1951., a objavljen je 1952. Hemingway je za roman dobio Pulitzerovu nagradu 1953. i Nobelovu nagradu za književnost 1954. godine.

A poignant look at the disillusionment and angst of the post-World War I generation, the novel introduces two of Hemingway's most unforgettable characters: Jake Barnes and Lady Brett Ashley. The story follows the flamboyant Brett and the hapless Jake as they journey from the wild nightlife of 1920s Paris to the brutal …

Zbogom oružje je poluautobiografski roman Ernesta Hemingwaya iz 1929. Pisan je u prvom licu, a opisuje doživljaje Frederica Henryja, Amerikanca koji kao dobrovoljac sudjeluje u talijanskog vojsci za vrijeme Prvog svjetskog rata; radnja se u velikoj mjeri oslanja na Hemingwayeva vlastita iskustva. Bavi se problemima …

Kome zvono zvoni je roman Ernesta Hemingwaya, napisan 1939. na Kubi a objavljen 1940., jedno od njegovih najpopularnijih djela. To je povijesno - ljubavni roman koji govori o doživljajima američkog sveučilišnog profesora španjolskog jezika Roberta Jordana, koji sudjeluje u Španjolskom građanskom ratu kao dobrovoljac …

Published posthumously in 1964, A Moveable Feast remains one of Ernest Hemingway's most beloved works. It is his classic memoir of Paris in the 1920s, filled with irreverent portraits of other expatriate luminaries such as F. Scott Fitzgerald and Gertrude Stein; tender memories of his first wife, Hadley; and …

In this definitive collection of Ernest Hemingway's short stories, readers will delight in the author's most beloved classics such as "The Snows of Kilimanjaro," "Hills Like White Elephants," and "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place," and will discover seven new tales published for the first time in this collection. For …

The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories is a collection of short stories by Ernest Hemingway, published in 1961. The title story is considered by some to be the best story Hemingway ever wrote. All the stories were earlier published in The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Stories in 1938. The collection …

Hemingway's Classic Novel About Smuggling, Intrigue, and Love To Have and Have Not is the dramatic story of Harry Morgan, an honest man who is forced into running contraband between Cuba and Key West as a means of keeping his crumbling family financially afloat. His adventures lead him into the world of the wealthy …

THIS COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES AND VIGNETTES MARKED ERNEST HEMINGWAY'S AMERICAN DEBUT AND MADE HIM FAMOUS When In Our Time was published in 1925, it was praised by Ford Madox Ford, John Dos Passos, and F. Scott Fitzgerald for its simple and precise use of language to convey a wide range of complex emotions, and it …

The Garden of Eden is the second posthumously released novel of Ernest Hemingway, published in 1986. Begun in 1946, Hemingway worked on the manuscript for the next 15 years, during which time he also wrote The Old Man and the Sea, The Dangerous Summer, A Moveable Feast, and Islands in the Stream.