Teräsmyrskyssä on saksalaisen Ernst Jüngerin kirjoittama muistelma ensimmäisestä maailmansodasta. Teos perustuu hänen omaan sotapäiväkirjaansa. Teräsmyrskyssä julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 1920. Teräsmyrskyssä kuvaa Jüngerin kokemuksia Saksan länsirintamalla joulukuusta 1914 elokuuhun 1918. Jünger julkaisi …

On the Marble Cliffs is a different kind of book, however. It concerns two brothers, living in a peaceful forest setting, who spend their lives studying botany, enraptured by the flora around them, and enjoying the tranquility and solitude of their surroundings. But their homeland and whole way of life are threatened …

In The Glass Bees the celebrated German writer Ernst Jünger presents a disconcerting vision of the future. Zapparoni, a brilliant businessman, has turned his advanced understanding of technology and his strategic command of the information and entertainment industries into a discrete form of global domination. But …

Heliopolis is an utopistic or dystopian novel by Ernst Jünger published in 1949. In the fictional city of Heliopolis the henchmen of a Proconsul and a Landvogt fight each other. Commander Lucius de Geer belongs to the staff of the Proconsul, but he stands more and more aloof these inner fights. Finally he leaves …