A nagy Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald amerikai író 1925-ben megjelent regénye. Magyarra fordította Máthé Elek és Bart István.

Az éj szelíd trónján angol nyelvű regény, melyet Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald írt. A mű először a Scribner's Magazine-ban jelent meg 1934 januárja és áprilisa között négy részletben. A könyv gyakran szerepel TOP 100-as listákon. 1932-ben Fitzgerald felesége, Zedla Sayre, egy baltimore-i kórházba került skizofréniával. …

This Side of Paradise, F. Scott Fitzgerald's romantic and witty first novel, was written when the author was only twenty-three years old. This semiautobiographical story of the handsome, indulged, and idealistic Princeton student Amory Blaine received critical raves and catapulted Fitzgerald to instant fame. Now, …

The Beautiful and Damned, first published by Scribner's in 1922, is F. Scott Fitzgerald's second novel. It portrays the Eastern elite during the Jazz Age, exploring New York café society. As in Fitzgerald's other novels, the characters are complex, especially with respect to marriage and intimacy. The book is believed …

The curious tale of a man who begins his life as an apparent septuagenarian and grows younger every year - much to the bewilderment and consternation of he and his family.

A nagy Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald amerikai író 1925-ben megjelent regénye. Magyarra fordította Máthé Elek és Bart István.

The Love of The Last Tycoon is an unfinished novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, compiled and published posthumously, in 1941.

The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald is a compilation of 43 short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It was edited by Matthew J. Bruccoli and published by Charles Scribner's Sons in 1989. It begins with a foreword by Charles Scribner II and a preface written by Bruccoli, after which the stories follow in …

6 of the Roaring Twenties chronicler’s most scintillating short stories, chosen from Flappers and Philosophers (1920) and Tales of the Jazz Age (1922). This inexpensive volume comprises "The Diamond as Big as the Ritz," "The Ice Palace," "Bernice Bobs Her Hair," "May Day," "The Jelly-Bean," and "The Offshore Pirate."