《米德尔马契》是英国女作家乔治·艾略特的第七部长篇小说。该书于1862年开始动笔,但不久由于Thornton Lewes的患病而搁置。次年艾略特重新开始写作,并把一些分散的情节结合成一个整体,1871-1872年完成。单卷本于1874年出版,销量颇为理想。 小说的题目米德尔马契是作者虚构的英国省城。省城附近的庄园住着布鲁克先生的侄女西莉亚和多萝西亚。多萝西亚希望找到学者型丈夫,于是不顾众人反对,和比她年长27岁的牧师卡苏朋订了婚,并预见卡苏朋的侄儿威尔·拉迪斯拉夫。与此同时,27岁的利德盖特来到米德尔马契,创立新医院,倡导医疗改革。改革触动了当地医生的利益,利德盖特被迫娶了米德尔马契市长之女罗莎蒙德为妻,被她套取大量钱财。 …

George Eliot was the pen name of Mary Ann Evans, an unusual woman at any time, particularly so for her day. She was born in 1819, received an excellent education, lived a full life, and wrote widely and successfully. Her best remembered book is SILAS MARNER. SILAS MARNER becomes a compendium of virtues whose lot is to …

The Mill on the Floss is a novel by George Eliot, first published in three volumes in 1860 by William Blackwood. The first American edition was published by Thomas Y. Crowell Co., New York.

Adam Bede is a hardy young carpenter who cares for his aging mother. His one weakness is the woman he loves blindly: the trifling town beauty, Hetty Sorrel, whose only delights are her baubles - and the delusion that the careless Captain Donnithorne may ask for her hand. Betrayed by their innocence, both Adam and …

Daniel Deronda is a novel by George Eliot, first published in 1876. It was the last novel she completed and the only one set in the contemporary Victorian society of her day. Its mixture of social satire and moral searching, along with a sympathetic rendering of Jewish proto-Zionist and Kabbalistic ideas, has made it …

One of George Eliot's most ambitious and imaginative novels, Romola is set in Renaissance Florence during the turbulent years following the expulsion of the powerful Medici family during which the zealous religious reformer Savonarola rose to control the city. At its heart is Romola, the devoted daughter of a blind …

Felix Holt, the Radical is a social novel written by George Eliot about political disputes in a small English town at the time of the First Reform Act of 1832. In January 1868, Eliot penned an article entitled "Address to Working Men, by Felix Holt". This came on the heels of the Second Reform Act of 1867 which …

Scenes of Clerical Life is the title under which George Eliot's first published fictional work, a collection of three short stories, was released in book form, and the first of her works to be released under her famous pseudonym. The stories were first published in Blackwood's Magazine over the course of the year …