image of George R. R. Martin

George R. R. Martin

* September 20, 1948 in United States
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Dead Man's Hand is the seventh volume in the Wild Cards shared universe series edited by George R. R. Martin. Like the previous volume in the series, this volume uses the format of a mosaic novel, where several writers write individual storylines which were then edited together into one novel length story. Ace in the …

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Wild Cards - L'origine è un'antologia del 1987 di racconti di fantascienza ambientata in un universo condiviso da più autori a cura dell'autore americano George R. R. Martin. L'antologia conta 14 racconti scritti da diversi autori e alcuni intermezzi scritti da George R. R. Martin. È stata pubblicata in Italia per la …

... Unknown

Nightflyers is the title of a 1980 novella by George R. R. Martin, a 1985 short story collection by the same author that includes the novella, and a 1987 science fiction-horror film based on that novella.

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To honor the magnificent career of Jack Vance, one unparalleled in achievement and impact, George R.R. Martin and Gardner Dozois, with the full cooperation of Vance, his family, and his agents, have created a Jack Vance tribute anthology: Songs of the Dying Earth. The best of today's fantasy writers to return to the …

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Wild Cards XI: Dealer’s Choice is a fantasy book by George R.R. Martin.