Getting to Know the General: The Story of an Involvement é o título do livro de não-ficção do escritor inglês Graham Greene, publicado originalmente em 1984. Nele o autor relata sua amizade e admiração pelo líder panamenho Omar Torrijos, que governou seu país desde 1968 até sua morte. Recomendado por Fidel Castro a …

It's a Battlefield is an early novel by Graham Greene, first published in the year 1934. Graham Greene later described it as his "first overtly political novel". Its theme, said Greene, is "the injustice of man's justice." Later in life, Greene classified his major books as "novels" and his lighter works as …

Ways of Escape is ostensibly the second volume of autobiography by British novelist Graham Greene, first published in 1980, but it is not a conventional autobiography, concentrating more on the author's work than his life and often blurring the line between the two.

The Lawless Roads is a travel account by Graham Greene, based on his 1938 trip to Mexico, to see the effects of the government's campaign of forced anti-Catholic secularisation and how the inhabitants had reacted to the brutal anticlerical purges of President Plutarco Elías Calles. A Catholic and conservative man, …

"The Last Word" is a short story by author Graham Greene, written in 1988. It first appeared in The Independent but can also be found in collections of his short fiction, notably the Penguin edition of The Last Word and Other Stories, for which it is the lead story. The story, written toward the end of Greene's life, …