Lovecraft is "the American writer of the twentieth century most frequently compared with Poe, in the quality of his art ... [and] its thematic preoccupations (the obsessive depiction of psychic disintegration in the face of cosmic horror)," writes Joyce Carol Oates in the New York Review of Books. Del Rey has …

The story consists of two main narratives linked by a third, the voice of "author." Only the author is able to interpret correctly what happened and is aware of the importance of information you have in your power, and is narrating the order in which he was discovering the truth. It begins with the death of an eminent …

Az őrület hegyei Howard Phillips Lovecraft horror novellája, mely 1931 február és március folyamán készült és folytatásokban jelent meg az Astounding Stories magazinban 1936 februárjától áprilisig. 2010-ben bejelentették, hogy filmet fognak forgatni a történet alapján, melyet Guillermo del Toro fog rendezni. S.T. …

Az elveszett világ 1912-ben megjelent sci-fi regény, melynek szerzője a brit Arthur Conan Doyle. A műben egy világhírű tudós, George Edward Challenger professzor expedíciót indít egy dél-amerikai fennsíkra, ahol állítólag őslények élnek.

"One is drawn into Lovecraft by the very air of plausibility and characteristic understatement of the prose, the question being When will the weirdness strike?" writes Joyce Carol Oates in The New York Review of Books. Del Rey has reprinted Lovecraft's stories in three large-format paperbacks. This second volume, 25 …

The Case of Charles Dexter Ward is a short epistolary novel by H. P. Lovecraft, written in early 1927, but not published during the author's lifetime. Set in Lovecraft's hometown of Providence, Rhode Island, it was first published in the May and July issues of Weird Tales in 1941; the first complete publication was in …

Az őrület hegyei Howard Phillips Lovecraft horror novellája, mely 1931 február és március folyamán készült és folytatásokban jelent meg az Astounding Stories magazinban 1936 februárjától áprilisig. 2010-ben bejelentették, hogy filmet fognak forgatni a történet alapján, melyet Guillermo del Toro fog rendezni. S.T. …

Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890 – 1937) was an American author who achieved posthumous fame through his influential works of horror fiction. He was virtually unknown and published only in pulp magazines before he died in poverty, but he is now regarded as one of the most significant 20th-century authors in his genre. …

A Cthulhu Mythos anthology is a type of short story collection that contains stories written in or related to the Cthulhu Mythos genre of horror fiction launched by H. P. Lovecraft. Such anthologies have helped to define and popularize the genre.

The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath is a novella by H. P. Lovecraft. Begun probably in the autumn of 1926, it was completed on January 22, 1927 and was unpublished in his lifetime. It is both the longest of the stories that make up his Dream Cycle and the longest Lovecraft work to feature protagonist Randolph Carter. …