The stories of Hans Christian Andersen are known all over the world. His fame rests on his fairy tales and stories, written between 1835 and 1872, among the best known of which are “The Ugly Duckling,” “The Little Mermaid,” “The Princess and the Pea,” “The Snow Queen,” “The Nightingale,” and “The Steadfast Tin …

Rățușca cea urâtă este titlul unei povești scrise de autorul de literatură pentru copii Hans Christian Andersen, care are drept erou un boboc de lebădă, clocit de către o rață. Mica lebădă este considerată mai întâi urâtă de către rațe pentru neasemănarea cu bobocii lor și, cum nici ea, nici rațele nu văzuseră …

Crăiasa Zăpezilor este un basm de Hans Christian Andersen. A fost publicat prima oară în 1845 în volumul Nye Eventyr. Første Bind. Anden Samling.

"The Emperor's New Clothes" is a short tale by Hans Christian Andersen about two weavers who promise an emperor a new suit of clothes that is invisible to those who are unfit for their positions, stupid, or incompetent. When the Emperor parades before his subjects in his new clothes, no one dares to say that he …

Mica sirena este o bine-cunoscută poveste a scriitorului danez Hans Christian Andersen, despre o sirenă care se jertfește pentru iubirea vieții sale. Ea era fiica zeului Neptun. Într-o zi ea se ridică la suprafața apei, vede o corabie frumos amenajată și se hotărăște să se apropie de ea pentru a o admira. Fata observă …

The Little Match Girl is a short story by Danish poet and author Hans Christian Andersen. The story is about a dying child's dreams and hope, and was first published in 1845. It has been adapted to various media including animated film, and a television musical.

Thumbelina is a literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen first published by C. A. Reitzel on 16 December 1835 in Copenhagen, Denmark with "The Naughty Boy" and "The Traveling Companion" in the second installment of Fairy Tales Told for Children. "Thumbelina" is about a tiny girl and her adventures with …

When he learns that the nightingale's song is one of the most beautiful sounds in the world, the Emperor of China sends his courtiers to find the bird and present it as a guest at court. The nightingale can speak to humans and agrees to come, but when the Emperor receives a mechanical nightingale covered in jewels, he …