Based on a true story, this never-before-translated masterpiece was overlooked for years after its author—a bestselling writer before World War II who found himself in a Nazi insane asylum at war’s end—died just before it was published.In a richly detailed portrait of life in Berlin under the Nazis, it tells the …

Hur skall det gå med Pinnebergs? är en roman från 1932 av Hans Fallada. Den svenskspråkiga nyöversättningen av Aimée Delblanc från 2014 fick titeln Hur skall det gå för Pinnebergs?. Boken publicerades 1932, året innan Adolf Hitler tog över makten i Tyskland. Den blev en omedelbar succé i Tyskland, där den idag …

The Drinker is a novel by German writer Hans Fallada, first published posthumously in 1950. Fallada began the novel, in 1944, when he was imprisoned in a criminal asylum for the attempted murder of his wife. It is autobiographical, in diary form, and tells the story of a man in the grip of alcohol. Beryl Bainbridge …