Long Lost is a novel by American writer Harlan Coben. It is the ninth novel in his series of a crime solver and sports agent named Myron Bolitar.

In the second Myron Bolitar novel from Edgar Award–winner Harlan Coben, a young woman’s tragic death spirals into a shattering drama of menace, secrets, and rage. Suddenly Myron is in over his head—and playing the most dangerous game of all.“Engaging . . . hilarious.”—Los Angeles Times Book Review Once, Valerie …

"מרוץ מטורף" הוא ספר מתח שנכתב על ידי הרלן קובן, ויצא לאור בארצות הברית בשנת 1996. זהו הספר השלישי של קובן בסדרה של "מיירון בוליטר", והחמישי מבין ספריו של קובן לפי הסדר הכרונולוגי. בישראל יצא הספר בספטמבר 2008, כ-12 שנים מאוחר יותר, על ידי "ידיעות ספרים", בתרגומו של ירון פריד. זהו הספר האחד-עשר של קובן שתורגם …

Kidnappers have snatched the teenage son of super-star golfer Linda Coldren and her husband, Jack, an aging pro, at the height of the U.S. Open. To help get the boy back, sports agent Myron Bolitar goes charging after clues and suspects from the Main Line mansions to a downtown cheaters' motel--and back in time to a …

In this sixth novel in the award-winning Myron Bolitar series, Harlan Coben delivers a riveting powerhouse thriller—a twisting mystery of betrayal, family secrets, and murder.Myron Bolitar’s colleague at MB SportsReps, Esperanza, has been arrested for the murder of a client, a fallen baseball star attempting a …

Edgar Award-winner Harlan Coben brings us his most astonishing—and deeply personal—novel yet. And it all begins when Myron Bolitar's ex tells him he's a father ... of a dying thirteen-year-old boy.Myron never saw it coming. A surprise visit from an ex-girlfriend is unsettling enough. But Emily Downing's news brings …

She's smart, beautiful, and she doesn't need a man to look after her. But sports agent Myron Bolitar has come into her life—big time. Now Myron's next move may be his last—Brenda Slaughter is no damsel in distress. Myron Bolitar is no bodyguard. But Myron has agreed to protect the bright, strong, beautiful basketball …

Live Wire is a 2011 mystery/thriller novel by American writer, Harlan Coben. It is the tenth novel in his series of a crime solver and sports agent named Myron Bolitar. In 2010, Live Wire won the world's most lucrative crime fiction award, the RBA International Prize for Crime Writing worth €125,000.

Play Dead is the first novel by American crime writer Harlan Coben. This book was reissued by Signet in September, 2010.