image of Hartmann von Aue

Hartmann von Aue

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Der arme Heinrich is a Middle High German narrative poem by Hartmann von Aue. It was probably written in the 1190s and was the second to last of Hartmann's four epic works. The poem combines courtly and religious narrative patterns to tell the story of a noble knight who has been stricken by God with leprosy; he can …

... Unknown

Few stories were as widely known during the Middle Ages as the account of Iwein and Laudine, which appeared in French, Welsh, English, Norse, Swedish, Danish, Icelandic, and two German variants. The older German version, that by the Swabian nobleman Hartmann von Aue, won instant popularity and became a model of form, …

... Unknown

Erec je rytířský dvorský román ve verších německého básníka Hartmanna von Aue. Vznikl pravděpodobně mezi lety 1180 a 1185. Jedná se o volné přepracování starofrancouzského románu Erec et Enide Chrétiena de Troyes, který vznikl kolem roku 1170. Chrétienův Erec je prvním tzv. artušovským románem, tj. dílem, které se …

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