Walden ovvero Vita nei boschi è il resoconto dell'avventura dell'autore, Henry David Thoreau, che dedicò ben due anni, due mesi e due giorni della propria vita nel cercare un rapporto intimo con la natura e insieme ritrovare se stesso in una società che non rappresentava ai suoi occhi i veri valori da seguire, ma solo …

Henry David Thoreau's masterwork, Walden, is a collection of his reflections on life and society. His simple but profound musings—as well as Civil Disobedience, his protest against the government's interference with civil liberty—have inspired many to embrace his philosophy of individualism and love of nature.

I heartily accept the motto, "That government is best which governs least"; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe-"That government is best which governs not at all"; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind …

Disobbedienza civile è il titolo di un famoso saggio di Henry David Thoreau. Presentato per la prima volta nel 1848 e pubblicato nel 1849 all'interno dell'Aesthetic Papers di Elizabeth Peabody con il titolo di Resistenza al governo Civile. Diventò famoso con il titolo di Civil Disobedience solo dopo la morte …

"In wildness is the preservation of the world," -- A lecture by Thoreau which became one of the seminal works of the early environmental movement.

A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers is a book by Henry David Thoreau. It is ostensibly the narrative of a boat trip from Concord, Massachusetts to Concord, New Hampshire, and back, that Thoreau took with his brother John in 1839. John died of tetanus in 1842 and Thoreau wrote the book, in part, as a tribute to …

Thoreau's classic account of his meditative, beach-combing walking trips to Cape Cod in the early 1850s, reflecting on the elemental forces of the sea, with an introduction by Paul Theroux Cape Cod chronicles Henry David Thoreau’s journey of discovery along this evocative stretch of Massachusetts coastline, during …