Along with Mickey Mouse and Asterix, Tintin is one of the world's most recognizable cartoon characters. If you haven't read any of his adventures, you are missing a real pleasure. The clean, crisp art style that defines modern European comics is almost entirely the influence of Hergé. Considered to be one of Hergé's …

《蓝莲花》,是经典连环漫画专辑《丁丁历险记》系列中的第五本,作者和画者为埃尔热,于1934年8月9日起在比利时的《小二十世纪日报》中连载,每周四刊出,至1935年10月17日共刊出42期,该书完成于1936年,之后出版画册。故事的主要发生地为中国,“蓝莲花”系当时中国上海一间鸦片馆的名称。这本书实际上是本系列中上一本《法老的雪茄》之续集。这本书被认为是《丁丁历险记》开始成熟的标志。在本书中,埃尔热突破了以往的固有模式以及松散的故事结构,转而追求地理和文化上的准确描绘。《丁丁历险记》自此以后开始声名大噪。 …

The Seven Crystal Balls begins on a light note, as Captain Haddock tries to adjust to his new life as a gentleman following the events of Red Rackham's Treasure. He wears a monocle and frequents the music hall, where in a not-unusual coincidence he and Tintin happen to find General Alcazar (The Broken Ear) and the …

The Secret of the Unicorn was one of the first truly great Tintin adventures and Herge's personal favorite, combining a puzzling mystery with a ripping pirate yarn. When Tintin finds a magnificent model ship in the street market, his attempt to buy it for Captain Haddock leads him on a trail of pickpockets, burglars, …

奔向月球 是丁丁历险记的第16部作品。作者是比利时漫画家埃尔热。本作中埃尔热再次采用了将一个故事分两本书叙述的方法,其续篇是月球探险。于1950年开始连载。这部作品比人类第一次登上月球整整早了19年之多。

红色拉克姆的宝藏 是丁丁历险记的第12部作品。作者是比利时漫画家埃尔热。本作是其的前一部作品独角兽号的秘密的续集。在本部作品中,卡爾庫魯斯教授首次登场。本作也是丁丁历险记中最为畅销的一本之一。