《凯恩号哗变》是1952年普利策奖小说类获奖作品,作者是赫尔曼·沃克。这篇小说来源于作者于二战中在两艘扫雷驱逐舰上服役的真实经历,主要探讨当漂泊在大洋上时,舰长和船员们的道德和伦理。名字中间的哗变是法律意义上的,不是暴力的,真实发生于1944年的一场台风中。 …

《战争与回忆》是郝尔曼·沃克所著的一部描写二战的长篇小说,是《战争风云》的姊妹篇,出版于1978年。它的故事紧接《战争风云》,描写美国海军维克多·亨利一家从1941年太平洋战争爆发到1945年二战结束这段时间中的经历。这部小说于二十世纪80年代被拍摄成电视剧和电影。 …

Marjorie Morningstar is a 1955 novel by Herman Wouk, about a woman who wants to become an actress. In 1958, the book was made into a Hollywood feature movie starring Natalie Wood, also titled Marjorie Morningstar.

Don't Stop the Carnival is a 1965 novel by American writer Herman Wouk. It is a comedy about escaping middle-age crisis to the Caribbean, a heaven that quickly turns into a hell for the main character. The novel was turned into a short-lived musical and later, album by Jimmy Buffett in 1997.

Like no other novelist at work today, Herman Wouk has managed to capture the sweep of history in novels rich in character and alive with drama. In The Hope, which opens in 1948 and culminates in the miraculous triumph of 1967's Six-Day War, Wouk plunges the reader into the story of a nation struggling for its birth …

Youngblood Hawke is a 1962 novel by American writer Herman Wouk about the rise and fall of a young writer. It is based on the life of Thomas Wolfe.

City Boy: The Adventures of Herbie Bookbinder is a 1948 novel by Herman Wouk first published by Simon and Schuster. The second novel written by Wouk, City Boy was largely ignored by the reading public until the success of The Caine Mutiny resurrected interest in Wouk's writing. Like The Caine Mutiny, the novel is …