Dunya edebiyatinin dahi yazari Balzac, yasami tum yonleriyle vermek isteyen dev bir yazardir. Balzac'in "Insanlik Komedisi" diye adlandirdigi romanlarinin en guzellerinden biridir "Goriot Baba". Bir tasra kentindeki orta halli bir pansiyonda gecen olaylar, tam bir "Insanlik Komedisi"ni anlatir bize. Okuyunca …

The Cousin Bette, which was adapted for film or television more than once, is the story of Lisbeth Fischer, or Bette, a pour cousin full of anger and passion who tries to ruin the lives of a few wealthy people in her family. The Cousin Bette is part of Scènes de la vie parisienne, section Les Parents pauvres of the …

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Balzac is concerned with the choice between ruthless self-gratification and asceticism, dissipation and restraint, in a novel that is powerful in its symbolism and realistic depiction of decadence.For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. …

Melmoth the Wanderer is an 1820 Gothic novel by Irish playwright, novelist and clergyman Charles Maturin. The novel's titular character is a scholar who sold his soul to the devil in exchange for 150 extra years of life, and searches the world for someone who will take over the pact for him, in a manner reminiscent of …

The story of a French military hero of the Napoleonic Wars, long assumed to be dead, tries to recover his fortune and former wife through the help of a famous Parisian lawyer. Colonel Chabert, a Napoleonic War hero supposedly killed in the Battle of Eylau, returns to Paris after a long convalescence to find his wife …

Finance, fashionable society, and the intrigues of the underworld and the police system form the heart of this powerful novel, which introduces the satanic genius Vautrin, one of the greatest villains in world literature.For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the …

Honoré de Balzac'ın en güzel kitaplarından biridir. Kocasıyla mutlu olmayan Henriette'le, kendisinden çok daha genç olan Felix'in imkânsız aşkını anlatan kitap, MEB'in 100 Temel Eser'i arasındadır. Eser 18 yy. Fransa'sındaki, devrim sonrası, toplumsal hayat hakkında da ipuçları içermekte, duygusal bir yakınlaşmayı …