"A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson" is a short story by American horror fiction writer H. P. Lovecraft. Howard Phillips Lovecraft (August 20, 1890 – March 15, 1937) — known as H.P. Lovecraft — was an American author who achieved posthumous fame through his influential works of horror fiction. Virtually unknown and …
“A sombra vinda do tempo é um passo adiante na dialética — que Lovecraft havia descoberto e desenvolvido havia anos — entre o clássico conto de horror e o gênero 'cósmico' que ele, de modo especial, tinha em vista”, segundo Giuseppe Lippi. O professor Peaslee recobra a memória após sofrer de amnésia por cinco anos e …
The Shadow over Innsmouth is a horror novella by H. P. Lovecraft, written in November–December 1931. It forms part of the Cthulhu Mythos, using its motif of a malign undersea civilization. It references several shared elements of the Mythos, including place-names, mythical creatures and invocations. The narrator is a …