Шаги по Стеклу — второй роман шотландского писателя Иэна Бэнкса. Роман был опубликован в 1985 году.

«Оси́ная фа́брика» — первый роман шотландского писателя Иэна Бэнкса, опубликованный в 1984 году.

«Мост» — третий по счёту роман современного шотландского писателя Иэна Бэнкса, вышедший в свет в 1986 году.

Whit, or, Isis amongst the unsaved is a novel by the Scottish writer Iain Banks, published in 1995. Isis Whit, a young but important member of a small, quirky cult in Scotland, narrates. The community suspects that Isis' cousin Morag is in danger, and sends Isis out to help.

Use of Weapons is a science fiction novel by Scottish writer Iain M. Banks, first published in 1990 as the third novel in the Culture series.

Transition is a novel by Iain Banks, first published in 2009. The American edition was published under the name "Iain M. Banks", which is the name Banks used for his science fiction work.