«Сон Сципиона» — роман Йена Пирса, изданный в 2002 году. Действие происходит в Провансе в трёх временны́х периодах, во многом ключевых для западной цивилизации: на закате Римской империи в V веке, во время «чёрного мора» XIV века, и Второй мировой войны XX века. Каждый из трёх сюжетов фокусируется на своём персонаже: …

«Перст указующий» — роман Йена Пирса, изданный в 1997 году. Роман состоит из четырёх повествований об одних и тех же событиях, но от лица четырёх различных участников. Книга относится к эпистолярному жанру: каждая часть представляет собой письменные воспоминания рассказчика. Действие происходит в 1663 году в Оксфорде, …

A national bestseller from acclaimed author Iain Pears, The Portrait is a novel of suspense and a tour de force.An art critic journeys to a remote island off Brittany to sit for a portrait painted by an old friend, a gifted but tormented artist living in self-imposed exile. The painter recalls their years of …

From the acclaimed author of "An Instance of the Fingerpost" ("may well be the best 'historical mystery' ever written," said "The Boston Globe)" comes a luminous new Jonathan Argyll/Flavia di Stefano crime novel set against the richly evocative backdrop of Rome and Tuscany. In his first new novel since "An Instance of …

From New York Times bestselling author Iain Pears... Flavia di Stefano of Rome's Art Theft Squad and art historian Jonathan Argyll have charmed mystery readers around the world. Their latest case is baffling to the extreme, when clues from a Titian researcher's death by mugging point to murder--and a criminal …

When English art historian Jonathan Argyll is caught breaking into a church in Rome, he has an astonishing story to tell. He claims that the church contains a genuine Raphael, hidden under another painting. Further investigation reveals that the painting has disappeared...to reappear later in the hands of top English …

Hired to deliver a painting from a Parisian art dealer to a client in Rome, British art historian and amateur sleuth Jonathan Argyll suddenly finds himself caught up in a double murder and begins a probe that uncovers a secret hidden since World War II. Reprint.

Witty art-history mystery from the author of the best-selling literary masterpiece, An Instance of the Fingerpost. British art historian Jonathan Argyll has just sold a minor Titian to an American museum for a highly inflated price. But as he complacently awaits his cheque in the Californian sunshine, trouble erupts: …