Rosemary's Baby è un romanzo horror scritto da Ira Levin nel 1967. È il secondo e sicuramente il più noto tra i romanzi pubblicati dall'autore statunitense.

La fabbrica delle mogli è un romanzo del 1972 scritto da Ira Levin. È un thriller satirico con elementi fantascientifici. Dal romanzo sono stati tratti due film, La fabbrica delle mogli e La donna perfetta.

I ragazzi venuti dal Brasile è un romanzo fantapolitico scritto da Ira Levin nel 1976 e pubblicato in Italia da Arnoldo Mondadori Editore. Nel 1978, da questo romanzo è stato tratto il film omonimo con Laurence Olivier che interpreta Lieberman e Gregory Peck nella parte di Mengele.

This Perfect Day, by Ira Levin, is a heroic science fiction novel about a technocratic dystopia. It is often compared to Nineteen Eighty-Four and Brave New World. Levin won a Prometheus Award in 1992 for this novel. This Perfect Day is one of two Levin novels yet to be adapted to film.

A modern classic, this novel set a new standard in the art of mystery and suspense in its exploration of the criminal mind.A Kiss Before Dying not only debuted the talent of best-selling novelist Ira Levin to rave reviews and an Edgar Award, it also set a new standard in the art of psychological suspense. It tells the …

Sliver is a novel by U.S. author Ira Levin about the mysterious people in a privately owned New York highrise apartment building, especially after a new tenant — an attractive young working woman in publishing — has moved in. The novel became the basis for the 1993 film of the same name starring Sharon Stone, William …

Deathtrap is a play written by Ira Levin in 1978 with many plot twists and which references itself as a play within a play. It is in two acts with one set and five characters. It holds the record for the longest running comedy-thriller on Broadway and was also nominated for the Tony Award for Best Play. Deathtrap was …