Băiețelul cel urât este o povestire science fiction scrisă de Isaac Asimov și apărută în 1958. Ulterior, ea a fost extinsă la dimensiunea unui roman de Robert Silverberg, publicat în 1992. Povestirea a apărut pentru prima dată în numărul din septembrie 1958 al revistei Galaxy Science Fiction sub titlul "Lastborn", …

David Starr, Space Ranger este un roman scris de Isaac Asimov sub pseudonimul Paul French în 1952. Este primul roman din Seria Lucky Starr, o serie de șase romane științifico-fantastice pentru tineret.

Tales of the Black Widowers is a collection of mystery short stories by American author Isaac Asimov, featuring his fictional club of mystery solvers, the Black Widowers. It was first published in hardcover by Doubleday in June 1974, and in paperback by the Fawcett Crest imprint of Ballantine Books in August 1976. The …

Murder at the ABA is a mystery novel by Isaac Asimov, following the adventures of a writer and amateur detective named Darius Just, whom Asimov modeled on his friend Harlan Ellison. While attending a convention of the American Booksellers Association, Just discovers the dead body of a friend and protégé. Convinced …

The Intelligent Man's Guide to Science is a general guide to the sciences written by Isaac Asimov. It was first published in 1960 by Basic Books in two volumes, Physical Sciences and Biological Sciences, though some subsequent editions were published as single volumes. A paperback edition was published in 1969 by …

Casebook of the Black Widowers is a collection of mystery short stories by American author Isaac Asimov, featuring his fictional club of mystery solvers, the Black Widowers. It was first published in hardcover by Doubleday in January 1980, and in paperback by the Fawcett Crest imprint of Ballantine Books in March …