Magic is a collection of short stories and essays by Isaac Asimov, all within the fantasy genre, collected and released after his death. The first seven stories are part of his Azazel series, while the remainder are three more traditional medieval fantasies and one mystery story from Asimov's Black Widowers series.

Opnieuw de zwarte weduwnaars is een verhalenbundel met misdaadverhalen geschreven door Isaac Asimov. Het boek is het tweede in een reeks van drie waarin misdaden en mysteries opgelost worden door de leden van De zwarte weduwnaars. Het is een bundel van korte verhalen die geen sciencefiction bevatten.

This book by Isaac Asimov explains in chronological order important events that happened in our world from the Big Bang until the end of World War II. Each chapter covers a certain time period. The chapter is then broken down into headings for each important empire or country of the time and describes the events that …

Extraterrestrial Civilizations is a book written by Isaac Asimov in 1979, wherein the probability of there being intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations within the Milky Way galaxy is estimated. This estimation is approached by progressively analyzing the requirements for life to exist.