The Best of Isaac Asimov is a collection of twelve science fiction short stories by Isaac Asimov. It begins with a short introduction giving various details on the stories, such as how they came to be written, or what significance merits their inclusion in a "best of" collection, as well as some of Dr. Asimov's …

Asimov's vroege werken is een reeks van sciencefictionverhalenbundels uit 1977 van de Amerikaanse schrijver Isaac Asimov. De boeken werden uitgebracht in de reeks Bruna SF in drie delen.

The Union Club Mysteries is a collection of mystery short stories by American author Isaac Asimov featuring his fictional mystery solver Griswold. It was first published in hardcover by Doubleday in 1983 and in paperback by the Fawcett Crest imprint of Ballantine Books in 1985. The book collects thirty stories by …