Asimov on Science Fiction is a 1983 non-fiction work by Isaac Asimov. It is a collection of short essays dealing with various aspects of science fiction. Many of the essays are editorials from Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine. Asimov wrote forewords to them that bind the collection together and grouped them in …

Fantasimov è una raccolta del 1986 con le versioni originali di tre opere fantascientifiche dello scrittore statunitense Isaac Asimov. Il volume esce in italiano il 6 novembre 1988 sul numero 1087 della collana fantascientifica Urania.

The Hugo Winners was a series of books which collected science fiction and fantasy stories that won a Hugo Award for Short Story, Novelette or Novella at the World Science Fiction Convention between 1955 and 1982. Each volume was edited by Isaac Asimov, who wrote the introduction and a short essay about each author …

Before the Golden Age: A Science Fiction Anthology of the 1930s is an anthology of 25 science fiction stories from 1930s pulp magazines, edited by science fiction writer Isaac Asimov. It also includes "Big Game", a short story written by Asimov in 1941 and never sold. The anthology was first published in April 1974. …

Opus 100 is Isaac Asimov's one hundredth book. It was published by Houghton Mifflin on 16 October 1969. Asimov chose to celebrate the publication of his hundredth book by writing about his previous 99 books, including excerpts from short stories and novels, as well as nonfiction articles and books. Opus 100 also …