War Fever is a collection of short stories by J. G. Ballard, first published in 1990 by Collins. It includes: "War Fever" "The Secret History of World War 3" "Dream Cargoes" "The Object of the Attack" "Love in a Colder Climate" "The Largest Theme Park in the World" "Answers to a Questionnaire" "The Air Disaster" …
Vermilion Sands is a short-story collection by J. G. Ballard, first published in 1971. All the stories are set in an imaginary vacation resort called Vermilion Sands which suggests, among other places, Palm Springs in southern California. The characters are generally the wealthy and disaffected, or people who make a …
I modsætning til megen anden post-apokalyptisk litteratur, har J. G. Ballards science fiction-roman fra 1962, Verden under vand en hovedperson, som snarere end at være foruroliget over den gamle verdens undergang, er fascineret af den kaotiske virkelighed, der har erstattet den. Verden under vand starter som en …