This collection of pictures, with a revised text by Christopher Tolkien, provides an insight into Tolkien's visual conception of many of the places and characters familiar to readers of such books as "The Hobbit", "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Silmarillion". Examples of his art range from delicate watercolours …

Poems and Stories is a compilation of some of the lesser-known writings of J. R. R. Tolkien released in 1980 by George Allen & Unwin and in 1994 by Houghton Mifflin.

Repackaged to feature Tolkien’s own painting of the Tree of Amalion, this collection includes his famous essay, ‘On Fairy-stories’ and the story that exemplifies this, ‘Leaf by Niggle’, together with the poem ‘Mythopoeia’ and the verse drama, ‘The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth’, which tells of the events following the …

《霍比特人》是一本少年奇幻小说和儿童文学作品,由英国作家J·R·R·托尔金所作。它于1937年9月21日出版后广受评论界赞誉,获得卡内基奖章提名,及《纽约先驱论坛报》颁发的最佳少年奇幻小说奖。本书流行至今已成为儿童文学中的经典作品。 …

A major new examination of how J.R.R.Tolkien came to write his original masterpiece ‘The Hobbit’, including his complete unpublished draft version of the story, and many little-known illustrations and previously unpublished maps by Tolkien himself.For the first time in one volume, The History of the Hobbit presents …