A Jack London álnéven híressé vált észak-amerikai író, John Griffith Chaney 1876-ban született San Franciscóban. A Fehér Agyar című műve Jack egyik központi témáját boncolgatja: állat és ember együtt létezését, viselkedését egy olyan világban, melynek törvényei mindenkire vonatkoznak. A legfontosabb erények: bátorság, …
The Call Of The Wild is the story of Buck, a dog stolen from his home and thrust into the merciless life of the Arctic north to endure hardship, bitter cold, and the savage lawlessness of man and beast. White Fang is the adventure of an animal -- part dog, part wolf --turned vicious by cruel abuse, then transformed by …
The Call of the Wild brought him international acclaim when it was published in 1903. His story of the dog Buck, who learns to survive in the bleak Yukon wilderness, is viewed by many as his symbolic autobiography. 'No other popular writer of his time did any better writing than you will find in The Call of the Wild, …
A vadon szava Jack London amerikai író 1903-ban kiadott egyik legnépszerűbb regénye. A történet a XIX. században, a klondike-i aranyláz idején játszódik, amikor rendkívüli kereslete volt az erős szánhúzó kutyáknak. Buck, a 140 fontos, vastag bundájú gyönyörű kutya, Miller bíróék hatalmas birtokán királyként éli …
John Barleycorn is an autobiographical novel by Jack London dealing with his enjoyment of drinking and struggles with alcoholism. It was published in 1913. The title is taken from the British folksong "John Barleycorn".
In 1902, Jack London purchased some secondhand clothes, rented a room in the East End, and set out to discover how the London poor lived. His research makes shocking reading. Moving through the slums as one of the poor; eating, drinking, and socializing with the underclass; lining up to get into a flophouse, London …