Emphyrio is een sciencefictionboek van de Amerikaanse schrijver Jack Vance. Het gaat over de belevenissen van Ghyl Tarvoke, een jongen die woont op de door de Lords overheerste planeet Halma.

De talen van Pao is een boek in het sciencefictiongenre, geschreven door Jack Vance. De oorspronkelijke titel was The Languages of Pao. Het boek verscheen in het Nederlands in 1975, in de vertaling van M.K. Stuyter.

Star King is a science fiction novel by American writer Jack Vance, the first in his Demon Princes series. It tells the story of a young man, Kirth Gersen, who sets out to track down and revenge himself upon the first of the Demon Princes, the five arch-criminals who massacred or enslaved nearly all the inhabitants of …

The Face is a science fiction novel by American writer Jack Vance, the fourth novel in the "Demon Princes" series. This book was published nearly twelve years after the third.

De drakenruiters is een boek in het fantasygenre van Jack Vance. Oorspronkelijke titels The dragonmasters, 1962. In het Nederlands verschenen in 1968 bij Meulenhoff in de reeks M=SF. Het verhaal werd in 1963 bekroond met de Hugo Award.

The Gray Prince is a science fiction novel by Jack Vance, first published in two parts in Amazing Science Fiction magazine with the title The Domains of Koryphon. Given that the novel's setting, the planet Koryphon, is integral to the plot, The Gray Prince may be said to belong to the science fiction subgenre of the …

The Killing Machine is a science fiction novel by American writer Jack Vance, the second in his "Demon Princes" series, in which Kirth Gersen, having brought arch-villain Malagate the Woe to justice, sets his sights on Kokor Hekkus, another of the Demon Princes. The name Kokor Hekkus, which means "killing machine" in …