When David meets the sensual Giovanni in a bohemian bar, he is swept into a passionate love affair. But his girlfriend's return to Paris destroys everything. Unable to admit to the truth, David pretends the liaison never happened - while Giovanni's life descends into tragedy. United by the theme of love, the writings …

Choď a zvestuj to na hore je debutovým dielom amerického spisovateľa Jamesa Baldwina. Je to román, v ktorom autor zobrazuje nielen vzťah štrnásťročného chlapca Johna Grimesa k jeho rodine, ale v pozadí sú zobrazené aj vzťahy medzi belochmi a černochmi v 30. rokoch 20. storočia. Dej sa odohráva v Harleme. Autor …

Another Country je román, napísaný Jamesom Baldwinom. Publikovaný bol v roku 1962, opisuje morálnu neistotu a rasovú neznášanlivosť v amerických mestách. Okrem toho pracuje s témami, ktoré boli dlho tabuizované ako bisexualita, mimomanželský pomer alebo medzirasové partnerstvá. Námet románu Another Country, ako aj …

The powerful evocation of a childhood in Harlem that helped to galvanize the early days of the civil rights movement examines the deep consequences of racial injustice to both the individual and the body politic. Reissue. 20,000 first printing.Title: The Fire Next Time Author: Baldwin, James Publisher: Random House …

Keby tak Beale Street prehovorila je román Jamesa Baldwina. Vydaný bol v roku 1974 a rozpráva milostný príbeh černošského páru – Fonnyho a Tish – ktorých láska prechádza ťažkou skúškou. Žijú totiž v rasistickom prostredí New Yorku, kde pre tamojších obyvateľov černoch nie je človek. Baldwin je majstrom hovorovej …

Notes of a Native Son is a non-fiction book by James Baldwin. It was Baldwin's first non-fiction book, and was published in 1955. The volume collects ten of Baldwin's essays, which had previously appeared in such magazines as Harper's Magazine, Partisan Review, and The New Leader. The essays mostly tackle issues of …

Going to Meet the Man, published in 1965, is a short story collection by American writer James Baldwin. The book, dedicated "for Beauford Delaney", covers many topics related to anti-Black racism in American society, as well as African-American–Jewish relations, childhood, the creative process, criminal justice, drug …

Nobody Knows My Name: More Notes of a Native Son is a collection of essays by the American author James Baldwin. The collection was published by Dial Press in July 1961, and like Notes of a Native Son, Baldwin's first collection published 1955, it includes revised versions of several of his previously published …

The stark grief of a brother mourning a brother opens this novel with a stunning, unforgettable experience. Here, in a monumental saga of love and rage, Baldwin goes back to Harlem, to the church of his groundbreaking novel Go Tell It on the Mountain, to the homosexual passion of Giovanni's Room, and to the political …