塞莱斯廷预言,又译圣境预言书、天神的预言、上天的预言,是美国作家詹姆士‧莱德菲尔德1993年出版的小说。同名电影于2006年上映。截至2010年,《塞莱斯廷预言》共有两本续作,包括:《塞莱斯廷预言II-第十种洞察力》、《圣境香格里拉》。《塞莱斯廷预言》一共提到了九条真知,两本续作各提到一条真知。 …

The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision is the second novel in The Celestine Series, beginning with The Celestine Prophecy, by James Redfield. It was published in 1996.

Continuing the exciting adventures of The Celestine Prophecy and The Tenth Insight, this new book takes you to the snow-covered Himalayas, in search of the legendary Tibetan utopia of Shambhala. As you follow a child's instructions, are pursued by hostile Chinese agents, and look for a lost friend, you will experience …

塞莱斯廷预言,又译圣境预言书、天神的预言、上天的预言,是美国作家詹姆士‧莱德菲尔德1993年出版的小说。同名电影于2006年上映。截至2010年,《塞莱斯廷预言》共有两本续作,包括:《塞莱斯廷预言II-第十种洞察力》、《圣境香格里拉》。《塞莱斯廷预言》一共提到了九条真知,两本续作各提到一条真知。 …