image of James Tiptree Jr.

James Tiptree Jr.

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Her Smoke Rose Up Forever is a collection of science fiction and fantasy stories by author James Tiptree, Jr.. It was released in 1990 by Arkham House. It was published in an edition of 4,108 copies and was the author's second book published by Arkham House.

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They have gathered now on Damien and are about to witness the last rising of a man-made nova. They are sixteen humans in a distant world about to be enveloped by an eruption of violence—horror and murder, oddly complemented by a bizarre, unforgiving love. But justice is not all that they’re about to find. Judgment is …

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Up the Walls of the World is a 1978 science fiction novel by the American author Alice Sheldon who wrote under the pen name of James Tiptree, Jr. It was the first novel she published having until then worked and built a reputation only in the field of short stories. The novel explores the possibility that telepathy …

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Ten Thousand Light-Years from Home is a short story collection by Alice Sheldon under the pen name of James Tiptree, Jr. that was first published in 1973. This was the first book Sheldon published.

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Warm Worlds and Otherwise is a short story collection by Alice Sheldon that, under her pen name James Tiptree, Jr., was first published in 1975. In its introduction, "Who is Tiptree, What is He?", fellow science fiction author Robert Silverberg wrote that he found the theory that Tiptree was female "absurd", and that …

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Star Songs of an Old Primate is the third short story collection by Alice Sheldon. It was published by Del Rey Books in 1978. It was the first of Tiptree's books published after the revelation that Tiptree was a female, rather than male, writer.

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Crown of Stars is a posthumous collection of Alice Sheldon ‘s unpublished short stories and those published in the final years of her career. All but one of the stories had previously been published elsewhere, in Science fiction magazines or anthologies. It is copyrighted to “the Estate of Alice B. Sheldon” and was …

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Meet Me At Infinity: The Uncollected Tiptree: Fiction and Nonfiction is a collection of short stories and essays by James Tiptree, Jr., edited by David G. Hartwell and with an introduction by Jeffrey D. Smith, longtime friend of Tiptree and literary trustee of her estate. The book was originally published by Tor Books …