This new collection of Austen's brilliant short fiction is the first annotated edition of her short writings. The texts have been compared with the manuscripts to give a number of new readings. In addition to prose fiction and prayers, this collection contains many of her poems written to amuse and console her …

The Watsons is een onvoltooide roman van de Engelse schrijfster Jane Austen. Austen begon met het schrijven van de roman in 1803. Door het overlijden van haar vader in januari 1805 kwam ze er niet toe de roman ooit af te maken. Het verhaal bestaat uit vijf hoofdstukken en bevat minder dan 18.000 woorden.

This new collection of Austen's brilliant short fiction is the first annotated edition of her short writings. The texts have been compared with the manuscripts to give a number of new readings. In addition to prose fiction and prayers, this collection contains many of her poems written to amuse and console her …

Introduction by A. S. Byatt. The first-ever full-color facsimile edition of one of Jane Austen's early works, with delightful portraits painted by her sister Cassandra, followed by a transcribed version of the text. Sixteen-year-old Jane describes herself as "a partial, prejudiced, and ignorant historian," and her …

If you love Julia Quinn's Bridgerton, Downton Abbey and Pride and Prejudice you'll fall head over heels for Sanditon! A novelisation of ITV's lavish period drama, Sanditon, adapted for television by Emmy and BAFTA-Award winning writer Andrew Davies and based on Jane Austen's unfinished novel.When a chance accident …