Beyond Sanctuary, by Janet Morris, is the first authorized "Thieves World (R) novel, as well as the first in her series of three "Beyond" books and the first novel in "The Sacred Band" literary series. In Beyond Sanctuary, Tempus takes his Sacred Band of Stepsons out of Sanctuary(R), the central locale in the Thieves' …

Beyond the Veil is the 1986 edition of the second volume in the three-volume Beyond Sanctuary literary series (part of The Sacred Band literary series) by Janet Morris. Beyond the Veil takes place in Tyse and Nisibis in the Sacred Band of Stepsons universe. Beyond the Veil is also one of three "authorized" novels of …

Beyond Wizardwall is a book written by Janet Morris in the Sacred Band of Stepsons fictional universe. It is the third of the three -volume Beyond Sanctuary trilogy.

City at the Edge of Time is a novel in the Sacred Band of Stepsons universe written by Janet and Chris Morris and Book Five in The Sacred Band series of books. In City at the Edge of Time, Stealth, called Nikodemos, separated from the Sacred Band, falls from the sky into the eternal City at the Edge of Time in a rain …