Simulakra og simulation er et filosofisk værk af Jean Baudrillard, udgivet i 1981. I bogen reflekterer Baudrillard over forholdet mellem virkelighed, symboler og samfund. Værket tager især udgangspunkt i begreberne simulakra og simulation. Simulakra er noget, der erstatter virkeligheden med dets repræsentation. Det er …
Hello America is a science fiction novel by J. G. Ballard, first published in 1981. The plot follows an expedition to a North America rendered uninhabitable by an ecological disaster.
Now available in English for the first time, Jean Baudrillard′s classic text was one of the first to focus on the process and meaning of consumption in contemporary culture. Originally published in 1970, the book still makes a vital contribution to current debates on consumption. Many of the themes which would make …
The Gulf War Did Not Take Place, a book by Jean Baudrillard, is a collection of three short essays published in the French newspaper Libération and British paper The Guardian between January and March 1991. Part 1, "The Gulf War will not take place" was published in Liberation on January 4, 1991. Part 2, "The Gulf War …