image of Jean Giono

Jean Giono

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Lovers Are Never Losers is a 1929 novel by the French writer Jean Giono. It tells a love story set in rural France in the early 20th century. It is the standalone second entry in Giono's Pan trilogi; it was preceded by Colline and followed by Second Harvest. It was published in English in 1931, translated by Jacques …

... Unknown

Le livre est parti parfaitement au hasard sans aucun personnage Le personnage tait lArbre le Hetre Le dpart brusquement cest la dcouverte dun crime dun cadavre qui se trouva dans les branches de cet arbre Il y a eu dabord lArbre puis la victime nous avons commenc par un etre inanim suivi dun cadavre le cadavre a …

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The Serpent of Stars (Le serpent d¢étoiles, 1993; reprinted 1999 Grasset) takes place in rural southern France in the early part of the century. The novel’s elusive narrative thread ties landscape to character to an expanse just beyond our grasp. The narrator encounters a shepherding family and glimpse by glimpse, …

... Unknown
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In 1910, while hiking through the wild lavender in a wind-swept, desolate valley in Provence, a man comes across a shepherd called Elzéard Bouffier. Staying with him, he watches Elzéard sorting and then planting hundreds of acorns as he walks through the wilderness. Ten years later, after the war, he visits the …