Sargassohavet eller Den första hustrun är en roman av den brittiska författaren Jean Rhys, publicerad i oktober 1966. Det blev hennes mest framgångsrika roman. Boken är en uppföljare till Charlotte Brontës roman Jane Eyre från 1847. Rhys föddes och växte upp i Karibien och hade inblick i de kreolska kvinnornas liv och …

Good Morning, Midnight is a 1939 modernist novel by the author Jean Rhys. Often considered a continuation of Rhys' three other early novels, Quartet, After Leaving Mr Mackenzie and Voyage in the Dark, it is experimental in design and deals with a woman's feelings of vulnerability, depression, loneliness and …

Voyage in the Dark is a 1934 novel by Jean Rhys. It tells of the semi-tragic descent of its young protagonist Anna Morgan, who is moved from her Caribbean home to England by an uncaring stepmother, after the death of her father. Once she leaves school, and she is cut off financially by the stepmother, Hester, Anna …

Tigers are Better-Looking is a collection of short stories written by famed Dominican author Jean Rhys, published in 1968 by André Deutsch and reissued by Penguin ten years later. This collection combines eight stories written by Rhys during the 1950s with another nine from her previous efforts in 1927's The Left Bank …

Sleep It Off Lady, originally published in late 1976 by André Deutsch of Great Britain, was famed Dominican author Jean Rhys' final collection of short stories. The sixteen stories in this collection stretch over an approximate 75-year period, starting from the end of the nineteenth century to the present time of …