image of Jerzy Kosinski

Jerzy Kosinski

... Unknown

Many writers have portrayed the cruelty people inflict upon each other in the name of war or ideology or garden-variety hate, but few books will surpass Kosinski's first novel, The Painted Bird, for the sheer creepiness in its savagery. The story follows an abandoned young boy who wanders alone through the frozen bogs …

... Unknown

[prefazione di Walter Veltroni] [traduzione di Vincenzo Mantovani] [1. edizione italiana, febbraio 1996] [140 p. ; 20 cm.] (Universale economica ; 1358) [Titolo originale: Being there] [DESCRIZIONE: Un idiota costretto ad abbandonare la casa in cui vive recluso, si trova improvvisamente per le vie del mondo. Finisce …

... Unknown
... Unknown

Steps is a collection of short stories by a Polish-American writer Jerzy Kosinski, released in 1968 by Random House. The work comprises scores of loosely connected vignettes, which explore themes of social control and alienation by depicting scenes rich in erotic and violent motives. Steps won the U.S. National Book …