Śmiertelne maski – piąty tom cyklu detektywistyczno-fantasy Akta Harry'ego Dresdena stworzonego przez amerykańskiego pisarza Jima Butchera. Akcja rozpoczyna lutym, 8 miesięcy po Przesileniu Letnim w studiu telewizyjnym na nagraniu programu Larry Fowler Show. Spotykają się tam: Harry Dresden, Mortimer Lindquist – …

Chicago wizard-for-hire Harry Dresden is used to mysterious clients with long hair and legs up to here. But when it turns out the long hair covers every square inch of his latest client's body, and the legs contribute to a nine-foot height, even the redoubtable detective realizes he's treading new ground. Strength of …

White Night is the 9th book in The Dresden Files, Jim Butcher's continuing series about wizard detective Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. The cover art by illustrator Christian McGrath depicts Harry walking down a snowy street with his glowing staff.

Welcome to the Jungle is a 2008 hardback graphic novel written by science fiction and fantasy author Jim Butcher and illustrated by Ardian Syaf. Set in the world of Butcher's contemporary fantasy/mystery novel series, The Dresden Files, Welcome to the Jungle was written as a prequel to the first novel, Storm Front. It …