《基督教要义》是约翰·加尔文关于新教系统神学的一本著作。这部作品在西方世界具有十分重大的影响力,并在世界上很多地方作为神学学者的必读书目。《基督教要义》最早于1536年以拉丁语出版,后来在1541年以作者本人的母语法语出版,并在1559年和1560年分别以拉丁语和法语形成最终版,其中拉丁语版共80章。 …

"This first English translation of an important work of John Calvin is a welcome supplement to his teachings in his Institutes." -E. Earle Ellis, Southwestern Journal of Theology This volume provides Calvin's fullest treatment of the relationship between the grace of God and the free will of humans. It offers insight …

A highly involved and intriguing look at the book of Genesis, John Calvin interacts with the text in a way that most other commentators of his time have never done. He takes the book of Genesis and reveals its nuances with such ease and intrigue that you cannot help be drawn into the text. He takes comments and notes …