Spør støvet er en roman skrevet av italiensk-amerikaneren John Fante. Den er en del av en serie av bøker som omhandler karakteren Arturo Bandini, en ung italiensk skribent som faller for en meksikansk servitrise. Den ble gitt ut i 1939 og igjen i 1980. Den første norske utgaven kom i 2007 og var oversatt av Børge …

He came along, kicking the snow. Here was a disgusted man. His name was Svevo Bandini, and he lived three blocks down that street. He was cold and there were holes in his shoes. That morning he had patched the holes on the inside with pieces of cardboard from a macaroni box. The macaroni in that box was not paid for. …

The Road to Los Angeles is a novel by the American writer John Fante. It was written in 1936, but was published posthumously in 1985 by Black Sparrow Press. The novel is one of four featuring Fante's alter ego Arturo Bandini. In the Bandini chronology, it is set after Wait Until Spring, Bandini and before Ask the Dust.

Henry Molise, a 50 year old, successful writer, returns to the family home to help with the latest drama; his aging parents want to divorce. Henry's tyrannical, brick laying father, Nick, though weak and alcoholic, can still strike fear into the hearts of his sons. His mother, though ill and devout to her …

West of Rome's two novellas, "My Dog Stupid" and "The Orgy," fulfill the promise of their rousing titles. The latter novella opens with virtuoso description: "His name was Frank Gagliano, and he did not believe in God. He was that most singular and startling craftsman of the building trade-a left-handed bricklayer. …