When Mitchell McDeere qualified third in his class at Harvard, offers poured in from every law firm in America. Bendini, Lambert and Locke were a small, well-respected firm, but their offer exceeded Mitch's wildest expectations: a fantastic salary, a new home, and the keys to a brand new BMW. It was his dream job - …

Øje for øje er John Grishams debutroman fra 1989. Den handler om en ung sort pige, der bliver voldtaget af to hvide mænd i en by nær det raceadskilte Memphis i USA. Efter anholdelsen af de to hvide mænd, skyder pigens far dem udenfor retssalen. Bogen handler om retsforfølgelsen af faren der tog loven i sin egen hånd …

Pelikan notatet er en roman af John Grisham fra 1992. Den unge, ambitiøse jurastuderende Darby finder nogle spor, der peger på årsagerne til drabene på to dommere. Hun indvier sin gode ven, Gavin, der er tilknyttet FBI, i sine opdagelser, og dette udløser en kæde af begivenheder, hvor hun bl.a. eftersøges af en …

Every jury has a leader, and the verdict belongs to him. In Biloxi, Mississippi, a landmark tobacco trial with hundreds of millions of dollars at stake beginsroutinely, then swerves mysteriously off course. The jury is behaving strangely, and at least one juroris convinced he's being watched. Soon they have to be …

Memphis lawyer Rudy Baylor thought his law degree would be his ticket to the good life. Now without a job, he pins his hopes on an insurance dispute that has left a family devastated and opened a door to a lawsuit. By the time he gets to court, a heavyweight defense team is assembled against him and Rudy is plunged …

A Painted House is a February 2001 novel by American author John Grisham. It was made into a television film in 2003, starring Scott Glenn and Logan Lerman. Inspired by his childhood in Arkansas, it is Grisham's first major work outside the legal thriller genre in which he established himself. Set in the late summer …

The Broker is a suspense novel written by American authorJohn Grisham and published in the United States on January 11, 2005. The novel follows the story of Joel Backman, a newly pardoned prisoner who had tried to broker a deal to sell the world's most powerful satellite surveillance system to the highest bidder.

AN ORIGINAL E-SHORT • This standalone prequel to the #1 bestseller Rogue Lawyer tells the story of how Sebastian Rudd finally found someone he could trust to be his driver, bodyguard, law clerk, and partner. Sebastian Rudd, rogue lawyer, defends people other lawyers won't go near. It's controversial and dangerous …