“Non piangere tesoro. Siamo soltanto Eddie ed io.” Marion non riesce a trovare altra risposta allo sguardo della figlia Ruth, quattro anni, quando questa la sorprende in intima compagnia del giovane Eddie. È l’estate del 1958, la prima tappa della vita di Ruth, segnata dall’impossibile relazione con la madre, in …

In 1954, in the cookhouse of a logging and sawmill settlement in northern New Hampshire, an anxious twelve-year-old boy mistakes the local constable’s girlfriend for a bear. Both the twelve-year-old and his father become fugitives, forced to run from Coos County—to Boston, to southern Vermont, to Toronto—pursued by …

Here is a treat for John Irving addicts and a perfect introduction to his work for the uninitiated. To open this spirited collection, Irving explains how he became a writer. There follow six scintillating stories written over the last twenty years ending with a homage to Charles Dickens. This irresistible collection …

“The Imaginary Girlfriend is a miniature autobiography detailing Irving’s parallel careers of writing and wrestling. . . . Tales of encounters with writers (John Cheever, Nelson Algren, Kurt Vonnegut) are intertwined with those about his wrestling teammates and coaches. With humor and compassion, [Irving] details the …

Verführerisch bunt, magisch und spannend! Juan Diego und seine stumme Schwester Lupe sind Müllkippenkinder in Mexiko. Ihre einzige Überlebenschance: der Glaube an die eigenen Wunderkräfte. Denn Juan Diego kann fliegen und Geschichten erfinden, Lupe sogar die Zukunft voraussagen, insbesondere die ihres Bruders. Um ihn …

Un giorno qualunque dell’estate 1953, con una palla lanciata durante una partita di baseball, Owen Meany uccide per sbaglio l’adorata madre del suo più caro compagno di giochi, John Wheelwright. Un’amicizia, quella tra i due ragazzi, singolare e resa speciale dall’unicità di Owen, che, incredibilmente minuto e dotato …