Agent to the Stars is a novel by John Scalzi. It tells the story of Tom Stein, a young Hollywood agent who is hired by an alien race to handle the revelation of their presence to humanity. Scalzi started Agent to the Stars in 1997 as his "practice" novel, to see if he could write a novel. He published it as a …
Agent to the Stars is a novel by John Scalzi. It tells the story of Tom Stein, a young Hollywood agent who is hired by an alien race to handle the revelation of their presence to humanity. Scalzi started Agent to the Stars in 1997 as his "practice" novel, to see if he could write a novel. He published it as a …
« L’heure était venue de fouetter le dieu.Le capitaine Ean Tephe entra dans la chambre divine, un coffret en filigrane laqué dans les mains. Il découvrit un acolyte qui perdait son sang et le dieu à plat ventre sur son disque de fer, les chaînes tendues à bloc. La bouche écrasée contre le métal, le dieu ricanait en se …
Fuzzy Nation is a 2011 reboot by John Scalzi of H. Beam Piper's 1962 novel Little Fuzzy.