America and Americans is a 1966 collection of John Steinbeck's journalism, including the title piece. This was Steinbeck's last book.
Möss och människor är en roman av John Steinbeck, publicerad 1937. Den utspelas på landsbygden i Kalifornien någon gång under depressionen 1929–1939. John Steinbecks bok Möss och människor har dramatiserats och uppförts som teaterpjäs runt hela världen. Romanen har också filmatiserats flera gånger.
John Steinbeck wrote The Grapes of Wrath during an astonishing burst of activity between June and October of 1938. Throughout the time he was creating his greatest work, Steinbeck faithfully kept a journal revealing his arduous journey toward its completion. The journal, like the novel it chronicles, tells a tale of …