"The Secret Sharer" is a short story by Joseph Conrad written in 1909, first published in Harper's Magazine in 1910, and as a book in the short-story collection Twixt Land and Sea. The story was filmed as a segment of the 1952 film Face to Face. The Secret Sharer was adapted to a one-act play in 1969 by C. R. Wobbe. …
La línia d'ombra és una novel·la curta de Joseph Conrad ambientada en el mar; és una de les seves darreres obres, escrita entre febrer i desembre de 1915. Es va publicar el 1916 com a fulletó en el Metropolitan Magazine entre setembre i octubre, i en l'English Review entre el setembre d'aquell any i el març de 1917. …
Acclaimed as one of Conrad's finest literary achievements, this gripping novel deftly depicts the political turmoil of nineteenth-century Russia and follows the dramatic developments in the life of a student, Razumov, as he prepares for a career in the czarist bureaucracy.In a plot that twists and turns, Razumov …
El cor de les tenebres és una novel·la curta de Joseph Conrad. Es va publicar al principi per capítols el 1899, i en forma de llibre el 1902. La novel·la està ambientada a l'Àfrica, i està inspirada en els sis mesos que l'escriptor va passar al Congo colonitzat pel rei Leopold II de Bèlgica. És, potser, l'obra més …
The Nigger of the 'Narcissus': A Tale of the Sea is a novella by Joseph Conrad. Because of its quality compared to earlier works, some have described it as marking the start of Conrad's major, or middle, period; others have placed it as the best work of his early, or first, period.
Joseph Conrad va ser oficial de marina i profund coneixedor de tot el que feia referència a la navegació. Ha estat considerat una de les grans figures de la literatura sobre el mar. Tifó és una obra seva, en llengua anglesa, començada el 1899 i publicada el 1902. El Nan-Shan és un vaixell de vapor siamès que …
Chance is a novel by Joseph Conrad, published in 1913 following serial publication the previous year. Although the novel was not one upon which Conrad's later critical reputation was to depend, it was his greatest commercial success upon initial publication. Chance is narrated by Conrad's regular narrator, Charles …
Almayer's Folly, published in 1895, is Joseph Conrad's first novel. Set in the late 19th century, it centers on the life of the Dutch trader Kaspar Almayer in the Borneo jungle and his relationship to his mixed heritage daughter Nina.
"Youth" is an autobiographical short story by Joseph Conrad. Written in 1898, it was first published in Blackwood's Magazine, and included as the first story in the 1902 volume Youth, a Narrative, and Two Other Stories. This volume also includes Heart of Darkness and The End of the Tether, stories concerned with the …